
  1. Introduction to Common Song Structure

    [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="320"] Song structure, otherwise known as musical forms of songs in popular music, are typically sectional, repeating forms, such as the popular twelve bar blues.[/caption] One of the golden rules of songwriting is that – like most other forms of art – there aren’t really any. But with that said, it’s never a bad idea to take a page from successful ideas, and this is most definitely true when it comes to budding songwriters trying to find their groove.   Song structure, otherwise known as musical forms of songs in popular music, are typically sectional, repeating forms, such as the popular twelve bar blues. Other common forms include thirty-two-bar form, verse-chorus form, and strophic form. Popular music songs are rarely composed using different music for each stanza of the lyrics (songs composed in this fashion are said to be "through-composed"). This form can be used in any structural difference in melodies. A common format would be as listed: Verse, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Verse, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Bridge, Verse, Chorus, Middle Eight. Continue reading →

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