MotorheadMotorhead tells fans not to buy new boxset

The Complete Early Years, a newly released Motorhead box set containing 15-cd’s, can be yours for only six hundred dollars! Singer Lemmy Kilmister has come out and told fans NOT to buy the box set.

Unfortunately for Motorhead and for the fans, the band has no control over the pricing of the album, due to the fact that they no longer own the recordings. The band have released an official statement:

"Motorhead have no control over what's done with these early songs, and don't want fans to think that the band is involved in putting out such a costly boxset."

Lemmy went so far as to advise fans against buying the box-set, saying: “Unfortunately greed once again rears its yapping head. I would advise against it even for the most rabid completists.” Lemmy is referring to the greed of the record company for pricing the box set so high.

There was a similar issue with a limited edition box set released by Elvis Costello in 2011. The record company priced his box-set “The Return of the Spectacular Spinning Songbook” at roughly $330, and Costello advised fans not to buy the box-set, stating that the price was “either a misprint or a satire”.

These examples are more reasons that the music industry is becoming increasingly independent. Artists and bands don't want to be associated with this type of behavior. The importance of owning your music so that you have control over pricing, releases and other details is still as important as ever.

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