According to the wiki page, Carpal Tunnel can be described as "a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed as it travels through the wrist at the carpal tunnel and causes pain, numbness, and tingling, in the part of the hand that receives sensation from the median nerve." In other words, it is a very real disease that is known for the numbness, stiffness and tingling sensation it gives. And while playing guitar for hours on end can be very fun, it is that type of prolonged activity that can lead to the disease. If it gets particularly bad, it can make playing downright difficult. With that in mind, we'd like to take some time to take a look at some of the ways you can prevent yourself from coming down with carpal tunnel.      

Tips To Prevent Carpal Tunnel


Relax And Stretch Your Fingers

Playing guitar continuously is a sort of strenuous activity and tires your wrist, forearm as well fingers completely. The blood circulation tends to get a little slow and numbness as well as stiffness is experienced repeatedly. Playing guitar continuously is a sort of strenuous activity and tires your wrist, forearm as well fingers completely. The blood circulation tends to get a little slow and numbness as well as stiffness is experienced repeatedly. Taking a little precaution at this time can prove quite suitable and may help you avoid a bigger problem. You can look to relax for 20 to 30 minutes between your guitar sessions and during this time you can indulge in finger stretches as well as palm massaging. These activities can have magical effects and help stimulate blood circulation in such parts. You can also rub your wrists again and again in order to make the median nerve warmer and help it function properly.  

Build Up Endurance

The symptoms of carpal tunnel are more common to those who have thinner wrist in respect to someone with broader wrist. The strength of the wrist depends directly on the strength of the forearm muscles. In order to make your wrists stronger, you need to make strong your forearms, for this purpose chin-ups can prove quite vital. If you do not get time to do chin-ups then you can simply pickups two tennis balls and squeeze these balls with either hand using all fingers. This can prove quite crucial and helps strengthen the muscles of your forearms and can also increase the power of your fingers significantly. Simply a great and easy to do method, this can help you check syndrome with much ease and perfection. Wrist circle exercise for improving the strength of wrists- One of the most suitable therapies to treat and prevent carpel tunnel is wrist circling. Simple and effective, the exercise requires you to draw circles in the clockwise direction with the help of second and third finger of your hand. The process should be performed repeatedly for approximately 35 to 40 times and should be repeated by left hand as well. The exercise proves quite handy and helps your wrist relax quite perfectly and also makes the median nerve stay smooth and in perfect condition helping your avoid any symptom of carpal tunnel.   Being a good guitarist is tough enough. Don't make it that much harder by coming down with something you could have prevented. Not only will it make playing guitar a painful chore, it will make working with your hands, in general, a literal pain. By following the tips above, you can make sure your hands remain as strong as ever.    

Your Turn to Sound Off!

Do you take any precautions to avoid problems such as carpal tunnel?

Let us know in the comment section below!